Standup Comedy "Your Host and MC"

Rich Hall & Brian Catalina Comedy Sets Show #224

Scott Edwards Season 5 Episode 224

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On this Standup Comedy Show, we have sets by Brian Catalina out of Los Angeles, and a fun improv set by Saturday Night Live's Rich Hall....Rich has done lots of TV, wrote and appeared on the Letterman Show, and is currently a Big Star in England where he writes & performs on TV, tours as a comic, and is the author of 4 books...very funny & successful. This show was recorded at my Citrus Heights location and you will even hear me as the show's MC...Lots of good comedy here!

Rich Hall and Brian Catalina bring distinct flavors to the stand-up comedy scene, each with unique strengths and styles. Hall, a veteran with over 40 years of experience, is renowned for his sharp wit and keen observational humor, making waves on iconic shows like "Saturday Night Live" and "David Letterman." In contrast, Catalina, dubbed "the wild man from LA," offers an energetic and interactive performance style, frequently engaging audiences with lively announcements and spontaneous humor. Together, they provide a multifaceted comedy experience, blending Hall's polished insights with Catalina's dynamic audience rapport, ensuring a memorable and entertaining show for all.

(00:01:20) Dynamic Duo: Brian Catalina & Rich Hall

(00:10:42) "Witty Safety Instructions with Brian Catalina"

(00:13:46) Wee-Hour Adventures at 24/7 Diners

(00:17:39) "Comedic Critique of Denny's Excessive Menus"

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This is another episode of stand up comedy. Your host and MC celebrating 40 plus years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews and comedy sets from the famous and not so famous. Here's your host and MC, Scott Edwards. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the podcast. We have some great stand up comedy for you today. Two great acts are featured. Act he was the warm up comic is a talented guy out of Los Angeles. He hasn't really gone on and done much. In fact, I think he got out of the business pretty early. But his name's Brian Catalina and you'll hear him here doing a short set. But the star of this show is Rich hall. That's right, Rich hall. You may remember that name. He was a regular on Saturday Night Live. Also was a writer and regular appearance on the Letterman show with David Letterman. We haven't seen or heard too much of him lately because he moved over to England where he is a prolific writer and television performer. And an author, he's written four books. So in this stand up comedy set, we have a little bit by Brian Catalina and the star of this segment, rich hall. Hi, welcome to the tool segment portion of our show. Yeah, today we're gonna be building shit the way a bit like to build shit. I'll be using the three main tool groups. A hammer, a steak knife, six pack of bud. Stay tuned next week when we redo that electrical system with speaker wire. I like PBS. You got any other PBS fans here by applause. People with glasses on, the accurate clapping. Very quiet. Oh, yes, Brian, we might go for it. Sure. Especially the animal mating programs. Brian, I can videotape that shit. We want you to watch it backwards. Educational. I like those animal shows, you know. Cause they help you understand how things came to be. Always got some nice guy on there explaining everything. Of course they ringtail monkey, evolved a long tail. What? You'd have to leave he's leaf from tree to tree. Yeah, I think that's nice. I think 5000 years from now though, they're gonna have a show on PBS about us. A north american yuppie. All the enormous rectum which allowed him to move easily up and down the corporate ladder. The yuppie people are pissed. This man. I can't scrape that Pete Wilson bumper sticker off the Volvo. Ouch. The truth is nasty. I saw an interesting show on PBS actually today. Wife and I are thinking about having children. You guys got any plans for kids yet? No. Try to get married first. Pretty much get through that hoop first. Yeah, we're at that point, you know, like should we have kids. Shouldn't we have kids? So we're thinking about reading the books, all that. Yeah, I was watching it. I was watching this PBS show today about different methods of birthing that they have now, which is really, you know. There'S a lot of options. I didn't know that, like, they have water birthing. This is where the woman actually gives birth to her baby underwater. I'm thinking, geez, what's a kid gonna think if he comes out underwater and he comes out, he looks. He thinks, jesus, I'm a guppy. And in the far east, they have this squatting technique. Have you ever heard of this where the woman actually hangs on a bar, you know, and gravity just, boom. The baby comes right out, man. He starts screaming right away too, man. He hits that cold tile and boom. Nothing to slap him or anything. Of course, the conventional method of birthing is kind of weird too. I mean, you know, what's a child's first depression that way? Baby comes out in an operating room. What's in there? Bright lights, naked woman spanking. Thinking, holy shit, mom's a porno star. I was over at my friend William's house. Now he's got about a one year old, so that his old boys running around and stuff, they just had a guy come out and childproof the house for him. He paid $480 to have a guy childproof his house. I'm thinking, geez, man, it'd be cheaper. Just go to the emergency room once in a while. You ever been to someone's house that's been childproof? It's ridiculous. You go in the bathroom and you try to lift up the lid and there's this clamp thing on there, and you're like, you really gotta go. And you're there fighting this thing. You wanna go out there and ask your friends how to do the child proof thing, you know, finally, of course, the child wanders in and then does it for you, talking about children. This is where my wife did that sticky. We did these little sticky arguments, you know, I don't know if you get these arguments with your loved one, but about, it's easier to be a man or it's easier to be a woman. And you get to that certain point, well, it's much easier to be a man. You know, if I was a man, things would be a lot easier. And, you know, we're trying to cool out on that. You know, after seeing these books on birth and everything, I'm starting to have a lot more respect for women. I'm like, Jesus. That big, huh? Wow. And I think men and women would get along a little bit better if we had to walk a mile in each other's shoes. You know, I think men could make an effort to understand women a little bit better. Ladies, you with me, Herman? That's true. They have to do stuff we don't have to do. So I think they understand women a little bit better. All men should have to do the following. Number one, I think that all men should have to drive from here to Bakersfield and back when a pair of pantyhose don't fit. I think that all men should have to open a six pack of butt cans. While wearing a full set of lead press on nails. And I think all nails, at least once in their lives, should have to walk through those doctors doors. And put their feet up in those curls. I don't want to do it. All right, again. Imagine him up in the stirrups. Hey, Doug, how you doing? What? What do you mean? Scoot down. I'm gonna crack it up, guys. He's like, scoot down. The hell is that? They'll get a little chat on the way home tonight. Of course, fairness to the guys, I think the women can maybe understand us. A little bit better. Guys. Listening. Guys, over here. I don't think so, mister comedian. It'll be really hot tomorrow. We want to stay out in the garage all day. No, we do. We have to step in and we have to. So I think you understand us a little bit better. All women should have to do the following. Number one, I think that all women should have to pretend not to be afraid. While searching for that burglar in a pair of red boxer shorts. I think that all women should have. To successfully repair a colored tv. Using only scotch tape and a steak knife. And I think all women, at least once in their lives, should have to return that darn porno video in broad daylight and in person. Misses Catalina, your take on seat here. Blade runner. Yeah. Butt slammers. Holidays. Hold on just a second. Roy, you can stop looking for butt slammers. Holiday misses Catalina had it nine days late. Why would I just have to go see a counselor? Because we're having kind of this communication problem. Or actually, she told me I was having the communication problem. She was saying that I don't communicate with them. But if you guys ever had that problem, I've got good news for you. Because the counselor told me some great information. Council pointed out that there are certain things that men are just genetically unable to say. That's right. It's not our fault. Disease. I had a lot of training. I've been working really hard on this and I'm going to demonstrate several of these phrases for you right now. But before I do, I want to warn you guys, please not try this at home tonight. I have a hard thing to do, so bear with me. Here you go. Three things that men are genetically. I was wrong. Commitment. We are lost. Brian. Catalina. Ladies and gentlemen, let's say the wild man from LA. What happened to the show? You're having a good time? Yeah. Good. We're perking up as a group. I like that. Ladies and gentlemen, we have shows Tuesday through Sunday. If you have a good time tonight, these same people will be here tomorrow night. If you have a good time, tell your friends. And if you don't, kind of keep your mouth shut. Thanks. Shows Tuesday through Sunday, normally next week starting Tuesday, Rick Corso will be here. Very funny comic from Los Angeles. Again, you recognize him from his many cable and television appearances. Also in our old Sacramento room, a gentleman that was out here recently, one of the top comics in the country. If you saw me, you can probably tell your friends what a great act he is. He's from New York originally. Mark Schiff will be downtown all next week, Tuesday through Sunday. Settle down, settle down. I knew you'd be excited. We hope that you're having a good time. A couple quick announcements at the end of the show. These back drives right over here. Those are the fire exits. We do keep those locked and chained. Don't bother going that way. Throw the exits back through those double doors over your left shoulder. Once you get out there, you can move down the hall to the right. That's where the restrooms are. And if you like to hang out after, the magic Caf bar will be open after the show. Sixties music and videos. The comics will be out there after the show. And to keep things kind of festive, we have discount drinks after the show. Dollar well drinks, dollar wine and dollar draft beershe for half an hour or 30 minutes, your choice. And for those who've had a little bit too much to drink, we have free coffee after the show. As much as you like to make sure you're wide awake drunks for that drive home. It's very special. Remember our model, drink up as much as you can and drive home real fast. And of course I'm at the coffee there. So free coffee after the show, discount drinks, the comics and the magic camp bar. We hope to see you there. Right now we're going to bring up our headline because you guys want more comedy, right? Yeah. All right, everybody with this table right here, we're all staring. Okay, there we go. Ladies and gentlemen, coming to the stage, a very special headliner tonight. A very, very funny guy comes to us from Montana. Very exciting to have him here. How about a big round of applause? Rich hall right here. Rich hall. Scott Edwards, ladies and gentlemen. Scott Edwards, your affable host. Scott Edwards. You don't seem to excite. Come on, how about another hand for Scott? Worked so hard to build this club right here in this strip mall and it wasn't for him this place would be a yogurt parlor. So right there is a good reason for a taekwondo school or some bullshit thing. So I think you need some more strip malls in this town. I don't think there's enough. I definitely think you need some more Denny's. You know there's not enough of those. One every 9ft isn't enough. There's more Denny's here than stop sites. Unit of measurement. How do you collapse and limit it? All right, you don't want the easy way to get there. Why do people say that? Want the easy way to get there? No, I want to be tortured on the highway for 18 hours. I can go through as much construction as possible. You come down here and you come to a Denny's and go about another 3ft and you'll come to a Denny's. Go 17 more Denny's, six taco bells, eight palo locals and 14,000 car dealerships. God, there's a lot of car dealerships here. Sacramento is. I've been asking people why they live here and they say, well, you know, it's 2 hours to reno. That'S 2. Hours in san francisco, 2 hours to talk home, 2 hours. Some guy, some torture artist found the exact spot. That was 2 hours for anything fun. Let's put it down here. People will come. We'll call it sacramento. Sacramento? Sacramento. I think it's a latin word for sacred car dealership. Worship cars. They're all for dealership. So yeah, about every 9ft denny's is. This guy's a genius apparently because he knew that people get hungry at three in the morning, you know, desperate for food because why else would they go to denny's? You gotta be, everybody's walking around thinking, geez, just three more hours and I get to eat at Denny's. You should call for reservations. Yeah. Near the kitchen. Yeah, we want a good view of the chef this time. Yeah, we're pretty sure it's Johnny paycheck's twin brother back there. Yeah. What is he working on this time? A big Quaalude omelet? What the hell are they doing? There's only some guy back there, you know, just straight out of prison working on their way. Doesn't even notice it. You walk around three in the morning, you know, especially if you're like me, you know, you're just sort of like desperate for food. Cook. Nice. Man, you kill one bad restaurant. Joe, can I have a. They need police. They got their own police force now. All right, so unlimited ranking on you, okay, nail him. Get him on a 579. Making fun of the waitressauruses. So yeah, you know how you'd be walking around like three in the morning? This is what Denny knew, and the guy won't even give out his last name. This is how much the food sucks, right? That he doesn't want to call. Boy, your food really sucks. Leave me alone. I'm Denny. So always open. That's what that science is. It's more of a threat than a promise, actually, isn't it? You know, how do you end up. You're driving along, God, there's got to be a place open. It's like you press the accelerator and it's like Denny's pulls up beside you. Or it's sucked into this big toe mean magnet, you know? Just watch it. Three in the morning. It's a good study in cultural anthropology, isn't it? Man, there's some people walking back and forth through the aisles there. Just these human trolls and troglodytes and mutants. There's some kind of chromosome flea market going on in there. People are always screaming. There's always that one lunatic guy talking to himself or some imaginary character. Don't tell me I wasn't in the army. I was in the army. I turned a green out of nowhere. No, I know what I'm going. Where are you going? Hey, wait a minute. Come back here. You know, you think, boy, how fucked up can you be when you invent an imaginary character and they walk away from him? Always having those guys, the religious guys running around with the Bible. I saw Satan in the waffle syrup. Satan's in the waffle syrup. I saw him. He's right there. Satan's in the. God is in the moocal dispenser. But Satan's in the waffle syrup God. The mu cal worship the moocal dispenser. And that's the manager, you know? So, geez, Waitrosaurus coming at you with a menu there. You just look at her hair. Onion soup. Today they bring you the menu. Doesn't it seem like the shittier the restaurant, the more pictures of food are on the menu? Phoenix is like the time. Like books of shitty foods have a picture of french fries on the menu there. Like there might be somebody left on the planet who doesn't know what a plate of french fries looks like. Mutt men from Borneo are coming in or something going, look, there's the french fries I was telling you about, waiting for the mud to dry. I always talk about french fries. That's what they look like right there. That's good song. That's nice. Grilled to perfection. They actually describe the food on the menu. Like, you're really gonna get a quarter pound hamburger grilled to perfection. That's a big operative word. It didn't say perfection. Like there might be guys with lab coats back there working on your orders. Former NASA engineers back there looking schematic for a cheeseburger. Up on the wall there, you know, you have a picture of you, always very important grandstand customer. Let's get this one. The guy with a jeweler's eye carving out principle cut french fly flying. Very important grand slam customer. Let's get another one. Perfect, man. You don't care. At three in the morning. Last good meal you had was a bean and Cheerio casserole eaten out of a frisbee over the sink. At three in the morning, a shoehorn for a spoon. You know, what do you care? Goddamn food out. Everybody's eating their dinnies at some point. Rem ordering breakfast at Denny's. That's right. You think they'd be hiper then to be called at Denny's three in the morning. But there they were. And Rem very hungry. When they ordered, it looked something like this. This was Rem ordering breakfast at Denny's. That's great. I'll start with a milkshake, scrambled eggs and fries. Burgers. And some marmalade. I have a rib steak, wild rice, baked potato, tossed salad, blue cheese, hold the olive oil, tomato, pickle, beets mix, meat, bagels and lox, please. They want tartar. Where? The elder salad bar. That was rich hall, live on stage back in the day in my comedy club. It was so great to have him. He went on to some fame and fortune with Saturday Night Live and the David Letterman show. And he's a huge success over in England, which is really interesting. But anyway. And we also had Brian Catalina on the show. And you heard me as the emcee back in my early days as a club owner slash MC. So anyway, a little bit of stand up comedy for you. I hope you enjoyed hearing rich hall live on stage before his fame and fortune. And we'll be back next week with a terrific interview from the stand up comedy industry. So thanks for listening and we'll see you soon. Bye. We hope you enjoyed this episode of stand up comedy. Your host in McDezd. For information on the show, merchandise and our sponsors, or to send comments to Scott, visit our website at look for more episodes soon and enjoy the world of stand up comedy. Visit a comedy showroom near.

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