Standup Comedy "Your Host and MC"
Standup Comedy "Your Host and MC"
"Best Of" Series- Bentoni, Jerome & Sam Guttman Opener/Middle/Headliner, as it should be! Show #237
Bentoni, Jerome, and Sam Guttman are influential figures in the stand-up comedy scene, each bringing a unique perspective and style to their performances. Bentoni, known for his engaging and relatable humor, emphasizes the importance of local comedy clubs and events as platforms for emerging comedians, fostering a communal atmosphere where laughter unites audiences. Jerome, a vibrant presence in the Bay Area, captivates audiences with his witty takes on pop culture and current events, further solidifying his status as a beloved comedian despite occasional technical hiccups. Meanwhile, Sam Guttman, a seasoned headliner from the late 80s and 90s, is remembered for his charismatic stage presence and genuine camaraderie within the comedy community, leaving a lasting impact on both peers and fans alike.
(00:00:04) Diverse Comedic Lineup in Standup Podcast
(00:00:59) "Three-Act Comedy Showcase with Diverse Styles"
(00:11:48) "DMV Photo Fiasco Funnies"
(00:17:57) Glass Eye and False Teeth Bar Bet
(00:19:54) "Comedy Showcase at Williamland Park"
(00:34:22) Neighborly Mishaps at Comedy Club Sale
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This is another episode of Standup Comedy. Your host and emcee celebrating 40 plus years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews and comedy sets from the famous and not so famous. Here's your host and emcee, Scott Edwards. Hey, and welcome to another show. This week we're doing another thing. Three act performance. This show will feature headliner Sam Gutman. This guy was a long standing friend and comic out of the Bay Area. You're going to enjoy his set. Also out of San Francisco, Very funny young man, Jerome, who worked the Laughs in the park show for us. And to start things off, we have our first set from a local comic that had a lot of success doing comedy up and down the west coast. You heard his story on one of the earlier podcasts. But here's another very funny set from Bentoni. This first act that you're about to see is actually a regular here at Laos Unlimited. Not only is he one of our normal MCs, he performs comedy all over the country. In fact, was seen at Day in the Park. I don't know if. Did anybody go to the comedy Day in the park? About 5,000 people showed up, but none of them from Central Science, apparently. Anyway, he did great there. He's very, very funny. Put our hands together for Bentoni, ladies and gentlemen, Bentoni. How about I am for Lynn too. For doing such a fine job. Give her a hand. Big hand. Anyway, nice to be here. You find out right away how many of you have seen me here before. Just clap if you've seen me here before. All right, you folks don't have to pay attention or take notes at all, but this is a. It is nice to be here. And I. I got a haircut for the occasion. Does it look okay? I heard somebody laughing and choking at you. That's Supercuts. So I should let this be a lesson to the rest of you. I should have known better just to go to Supercuts because their motto should be a tip off right away. If you don't look good, big fucking deal. Isn't that it? You pay him $6, you go home looking just like Morton Downey Jr. You give a shit. I saw a guy with a mohawk, though. Now here's an idiot. Well, think about it now, if you can't even up the sideburns after the first couple of attempts, just quit. Learn to live with it, I guess was the lesson there. Skinheads got ahold of him too. Seems like now the skinheads seem like they're after all the talk show hosts. They got Geraldo Rivera, Wasn't it the first one a couple months ago. You guys remember this? They hit him in the face. What did you think of that? Is that all right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all hate Geraldo, so it's all right if he gets his nose broken, but, well, that seems to be the, you know, the popular consensus. Evidently there were some neo Nazis in his audience that had just had enough of his shit and they picked up a chair and claimed his melon, broke his face and that and made a lot of news. But now, if you were Geraldo, would that make you feel bad, though, to know that even other assholes hate your guts? This is scraping the bottom of the barrel in. They need him. Yeah, they haven't touched Oprah Winfrey yet. No Oprah Winfrey. She lost a lot of weight, though, and I think that she's to be commended. I think that's. It takes a lot of. It's wet. Oh, it's all right. Was too much for her, I think. So she's starting to gain it all back now, isn't she? Yeah, well, she lost almost 70 pounds, which is no mean feat. Very difficult to do. But I kind of think she was wasting her time the whole time anyway because she could have lost £170 and people are still going to remember Oprah as that fat woman that lost all the weight you see there. But she gave it her valiant effort and putting it back on. Now, that's now another guy, big guy in the news, this Walter Hudson guy. You know, you remember this guy who was 1200 pounds, got wedged into his home. Yeah. But this was years ago that this happened. And he's still in the news now because. Because he's lost a lot of weight. Now he's down to a very, very trim£800. Like to see this guy in a workout leotard, huh? 800. But, you know, now this guy, even at 1200 pounds, this guy was not even close to the world's record. The world's record, according to Guinness, is £1490. Well, sure, that would be most people's reaction is, ooh. But the funny thing about him is when he got into the record book, he overtook the existing record, which at that time was 1069 pounds. So there's like this 400 pound difference between, you know, wouldn't you think that you'd read about this guy when he weighed 1070 even in the Enquirer or something? You know, you'd think somebody walking around the streets of America over a thousand pounds would have scientists following him, maybe, you know, chiseling chunks of him off to find out why he's growing so big, or, you know, offering donuts and pizzas to get him into the book. But no, no, no, no. Didn't hear anything about this guy even on the Geraldo show until he weighed nearly three quarters of a ton. And then powys in the record book. And it made me wonder that maybe his weight was fluctuating too, like most people's. Yeah, what do you weigh? Pow. 950, 1500, you know, right in there. I don't know. Just to put this into perspective, at £1,500, if this guy lost £400, he has to lose another£500 just to get down to £600 fucking pounds. It's like, you know, if you think of it that way, it's like the more he loses, the fatter he's getting. You see? £600, please. Anyway, that's bigger. So I watch it when I. When I mean speak. Speaking of food, I had kind of a bad experience not too long ago. My friends took me to Benihana's for dinner. And if you've never been to Benihana's, it's a very nice restaurant, great food, gourmet food and everything. And their gimmick is that they prepare the food right there at your place. The guy comes out with a knife and just starts whacking things to pieces. They're doing this knife throwing act, you know, I'm sitting there for 10 minutes. I'd never been there before. I didn't know what to expect. 10 minutes he's flinging these shiny knives in front of my face. And then I notice his name tag. It says trainee. No, just scoop my chair back a little bit, pal. This is a. But I know gourmet. I don't have places like that. When I think of gourmet food, you guys think of escargot. Yeah. Now, has anyone here ever eaten escargot? You have it different. Did you enjoy it? I love it. You love it. Now, did you know it was snails before you? But you ordered it anyway. Okay, now, see, to me, personally, I can imagine a snail. This is like in the driveway or something, and I don't want to eat one. And also, I'd be afraid of what might happen if I want to put salt on my food when they bring it out. Wouldn't that be ugly? What's that? Well, I want to hear the joke. Maybe I can tell it tomorrow. You know, I just think it'd Be pretty scary to see your entree become soup right there on your plate there as you were in wait for dessert to show up too sick. Fuck you. That's funny. All right, good luck. I'm having a great day. I really am. The worst thing though, now you're talking about bad food and it's coming up now. Summertime state fair is gonna be coming around the corner soon and they have possibly. You like the fair, eat the food there. What's the worst thing there to eat? Yes. Otherwise known as a corndog. This has got to be it. Now it doesn't take a genius to know that these things aren't going to taste good. If you've ever been to Calexville before, the first thing you notice when you walk in the gates is like 50,000 of these things littering the grounds with just one bite taken out of them. Now this is, you know, this, it should tell you but it could be 110 degrees outside. There's never one fly on any of these porn dogs, are there? They're over here on the grass instead, sucking on dog poop. And I just think if, you know, these are experts, ladies and gentlemen, it's no wonder they put them on a stick. I mean a 10 foot pole would be better, don't you think? You all right? All right, who wants to order the food now? Oh God. I had a birthday not too long ago. Now somebody here is. Some people have a birthday here. Where are you? Over here and way back there. Still no signature. Now let me find this out by applause. Let's hear from those of you who are at least 30 years old. Let's clap if you're at least 30. I look around, I see a few of us lying. But now the rest of us, you guys, you think that's too old? Yeah, don't worry, it's just the pussies in the back drinking Cokes. They're just. I think we can take them. But no, I don't think that's old. Now the reason I'm asking is because my birthday was just about a month ago. I turned 33 and I'm still, I still feel young. Anyway, I'm still holding my own. Which of course, you know, after 33 years I'd like someone to hold it for me. But I don't know if you people in the back can see from where you're sitting. But I'm holding my own right now as I'm talking to you. He has no pencil test. I'll tell you, it's the most Fun I've had all day, but trust me, I'll be done in just a second. That's what happens when you turn 30. Okay, but this is what made me feel old, though. I was at a party not too long ago, and I met a very young girl. And I didn't think we'd have anything in common, but turns out after talking for a while, she was a big fan of the Beatles. And I love the Beatles. Yeah, but she said she liked the Beatles because she thought one of them looked exactly like Julian Lennon. So I had to explain that to her. She said she thought I was old because I could remember when John Lennon was still alive and still making records. You know, I can remember when Paul McCartney was dead and still making records. Remember this if you're over 30. Maybe you do. The rest of you might have to go home and ask your parents. You do. Making a lot of noise, but she's not saying much. I don't know why not. Birthday. Oh, God. Well, now it's the 80s, you know? Is everyone practicing safe sex? I don't mean, like, right now. At this moment, I'm just, you know, asking in general, how does he get the kids? Is it just me, or you guys? Pretty much tired of hearing from this group. Okay, enjoy your sex. We're glad you came. How about that? We're just really delighted that you. Now, here's another one. Now, have you guys heard the expression, say I love you with flowers? Anybody here? What? Have you. Well, I discussed this with a lot of friends, and it doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. I think most guys will agree with me that flowers just don't say I love you, you know? Sure, a blowjob says I love you. I think we all agree on that. Flowers. Flowers. Just say, I need a blowjob. So I still buy them, you know, and I'm passing them out. Didn't our birthday girl get a flower? Isn't that what happened? Didn't you. Big flower back there? Sure, I was talking about my birthday. I had to get my driver's license renewed. Now, this, I think we all agree, is pretty much the worst nightmare of a lifetime, because you get five or six chances in your entire life to get a decent picture of yourself in your wallet you open out of the TMV and fuck it up every time. Right? I mean, it's not like you're doing it all on your own, because the guy behind the camera at the dmv, certainly no photographers. He's just some, you know, some state worker. With a Polaroid. And his job, his entire purpose in life is to tell you to put your toes on that green piece of tape on lookup. So right now, I know we can agree on this. You very carefully, you want to do a good job, you put your toes on that green piece of tape and you look up. Is this it? So for five more years, damn it, this is it. This is now. See, this is why when the cops pull you over, you hand them the license and you say something ridiculous to them, like, don't look at the picture. Okay? Yeah, sure. Like the CHP gives a shit what you look like in your wallet. You just ran over 12 people in a crosswalk. This is not their prank. Concern and friend I know cut out a picture out of a magazine of a real good looking guy and pasted it on his driver's license. I guess the thinking there was that the cop would look at it and think he pulled over the wrong guy. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, not you. A nice day. Sure, you can try that. Yeah, go ahead. Oh, man. Hey, who watched the All Star Game the other day? Couple of you did. Ronald Reagan was in the book now, see, Ronald Reagan did. He did. He called sports for radio, you know, long ago, I think. Before there was radio, actually, if you think about it. But anyway, he used to do that. And so they had him. They invited him back. And he wasn't doing a great job. Vince Scully was doing most of the work. And our old president was just nodding there. But it was funny because Vince Gulley says in the first inning, he says, well, there's the first RBI of the game. Ron says, run batted in. All right. Okay. And then the funniest thing is at the end, Vin Scully says, thank you very much, Mr. President, for coming down here. We're glad you could take time out, come out here and be part of the broadcast. And it's been a pleasure having you here, and we're very grateful. And the President says, well, I'd like to thank you for having me here. You know, it's been a long time. I was a little rusty, but, boy, it's a lot different from radio. But just being up in the booth here has just been like a trip down memory lane. Ron, memory, man was president for eight years. He just forgot the word for memory, I guess. I see. Memory of nostalgia lane, I think, is. It's what he said, isn't it? All right. Hey, guys. Sportsman. You like. You like the Kings? Well, basketball is a lot of fun. I like going to the games. It is fun. Going to the games. Even if you hate the Kings, even, you know, if you get a chance to listen to them on the radio, don't. Because basketball is, like, the worst sport they could broadcast on the radio. It's a nightmare. It's, you know, 48 minutes. Nothing but 10 pairs of size 15 sneakers pounding on a hardwood floor. It'll drive you nuts in a big hurry, right? How long can you stand to listen to this? The first time I heard this, I was in my car. I thought my front tire was going to pop loose. The fan belt was going out, something like that. So I'm driving a piece of shit for a car anyway, so I have to worry about that. Anybody else got bad cars? Yes. Do you? How did I know? What kind of car is it? A Cadillac. Oh, yeah, That's a piece of shit. Sure. Who'd want to have one of those? Oh, that's crap. Oh, yeah. Oh, that sucks. You must hate that. Oh, I got a 1962 Rambler American, ladies and gentlemen. It's a classic. Yeah, it's a classic. It's got a nickname, too. A lot of us have nicknames. If you got a crappy car, mine's Rambo. It's got 15 different colors of paint showing through it. So it has that camouflage look as it goes down the road. Front buffer is twisted down in the front, so, you know, looks a little like Stallone. Every morning when I go to start it, too, it sounds exactly like Rambo. I turn the key and just. You guys do this. If you have a crappy car, even if you don't, you hear some new noise in the engine, you don't know what it is, do you? Fix it by turning up the radio just a little bit louder. Speakers are a lot cheaper than a trip to the mechanic. See, that's the thing there. Anyway, listen, I gotta get going, but I want to tell you my favorite joke of all time before I go. This is my favorite joke, even if you've heard it anyway. It takes place in a bar. Most of them. Most of them do. And bartender and his friends sitting there, and they're working away. The gentleman walks up, starts making those bets with him. You know, that you. You know you're gonna lose. He says, I'll bet you guys $10 that I can bite my right eye. Exactly. Now it seems like easy 10, doesn't it? So they put their money up. Of course, the guy reached up, pulled out his glass eye, bit it, put it back in there. That's gross. Takes their money, though. So he's up 10 bucks. These guys feel like a couple of idiots for not thinking this through. And then he says, I'll tell you what, I'll make you another bet. I'll bet you another 10 bucks that I can also bite my left eye. Yeah, so they, well, you know, he drove in in a car, obviously he isn't blind and you know, a pretty good auntie doesn't have a double jointed face, anything like that. You don't see that much anymore. So they, of course they put their money up. The guy reached up, pulled out his false teeth, chomped down really good, hard. Yeah, really dug in, put them back in and took their money and left. So of course these guys feel really stupid now. Of course, about a half hour later, the guy comes back in, walks right up to him, he's all apologetic and everything, shaking his head. He says, you know, I feel bad for you guys because you had no idea that I had a glass eye and false teeth at the same time. So I'll tell you what I'll do. Make you one more bet. I'll bet you a hundred bucks, then I can stand on top of the bar here and as the bartender slides an empty beer mug from one end to the other, I'll bet you I can piss in it from the very moment he leaves his hand all the way down the entire length of the bar till the moment it stops without missing a single drop. Wouldn't it be worth 100 bucks just to see somebody try that? Wouldn't it? So anyway, the guys, they put up their money and the gentleman jumps up on top of the bar, bartender gets a beer mug, slides it down there and this guy starts pissing all over the bar, all over the bartender, into people's drinks. You know, he's writing his name, just, you know, having the time of his life, really having fun with this. Meantime, the mug stops at the end, completely dry. And he's still going, you know, he's crossing t's dotting I's, you know, he's really having a fun time with us. He finally gets done and the mugs at the end, completely dry. I wasn't even thinking about that in the meantime. Now, well, when he got finished, he gave it, of course, that shake at the end. You guys over here waiting for that, huh? Now see, I have a theory about why guys do this anyway. I think it's because so far no one's been able to figure out a way to make their weenie go. We don't know. Yeah, there we know More of this. The point of the story is he finished, paid the guys the hundred bucks. In the meantime, the bartender thought this was the funniest thing he'd ever seen in his life. I mean, he's got this bar, right? He's mopping the stuff up, mopping himself off. Tears are coming down his face. I mean, he's just uncontrollable. After he finally gets a grip on himself, he says, buddy, I cannot believe you made a stupid bet like that. This mug is completely dry. You weren't even thinking about that. Why would you make $100 bet like that? And the guy says, well, you see this guy at the end of the bar here? I bet him $1,000 that I could piss all over you and your bar. You'd laugh while you cleaned it out. Thank you very much. You guys have been a fun, fun group. Enjoy the rest of the show. Be Tony, ladies and gentlemen. That guy is always good for a laugh. Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed that set from Bentoni. And if you get a chance, listen to the earlier podcast and catch up on his story. Right now we have a special treat during Laughs in the park, which was a large free event that we produced in conjunction with the Sacramento Bee and the Chamber of Commerce here in Sacramento. We had a large open air event at Williamland park, one of the large parks in Sacramento. And here we have a presentation of comedy by a very funny comic, Jerome, who was a feature act out of the Bay Area, and he came up and helped us out and supported us and did this set at Laughs in the park in 1990. Enjoy. One other thing I want to mention, I don't know if you've been watching the news. There's been good news and bad news in the news lately. Let me tell you about it in case you haven't heard. Of course, the good news, the Ayatollah Khomeini is dead. Of course, the bad news, Cat Stevens is taking his place. So they never seem to get that right. We seem to be growing as a crowd. How you folks over there, can you hear this stuff those people can't hear? Ah, life's a bitch. I should point out something and this is probably a good time to do it. This is the first, we hope, many annual Laughs in the Parks. Do you have any good time? For those of you that do have a good time, feel free to let the Sacramento be or the city of Sacramento or laughs a little bit and know that you did so that we can repeat this event in the future. We would like you to know that we did not expect. Although we're very happy to have so many people out here this afternoon. And because of that, we want to let you know that we will learn from this. And in future events, we will have a more adept sound system and more space for everybody. So bear with us. It's our first event, and we hope you're having a good time. More Porta Potties. Thank you for the suggestion. Valet parking. Okay, somebody from Los Angeles. There you go. We're gonna bring up our next entertainer, ready for more comedy. Coming to the stage, a gentleman who's appearing at the Birdcage Laughs Unlimited this very week. He is from San Francisco. You can hear him. He has his own song on quad 106. And you can see him in the movie True Believers. Ladies and gentlemen, a big round of applause. Jerome, right here. Jerome. So how's it like? That's good. Good to be back in civilization, I must say. I finished a week in Sulfur, Louisiana, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, it's all right. They give you that look afterwards, like, yeah, you were funny, but we still gonna have to do something to you. Boy, I don't know if you can tell some jokes, why he's bleeding. You know, everywhere I go, all over the country, people have these car phones now, these new framework car phones. Kids, you know, I was jumping down the highway, some guy with a car phone and a 73 Pinto. What you gonna do, call the fire department? Hey, man, pick me up. My trunk is in flames again, man. I join this gym, too. I go to the gym, I go to workout. Try to get in shape. It's all right to work out and get kind of toned. But you see, you guys that overdo it. I mean, they're really big built dudes with muscles in their breath and their hair and all them walk around like that. Smell it. Ride the. Miss you something. When they were born, they came out, snapped. The owner of Bill McCoy slapped the doctor pure. And every time you talk, we only have to go through a posing routine to show off all that muscles, right? Cause after a workout, I walk up to one of them. I said, excuse me, man, do you have change for a $10 bill? He's like, let me check my wallet. I guess I don't ask that guy over there. I needed directions, too, and I said, the heck with it at this vcr. Ran out a bunch of monster movies. I'm a big horror movie fan, but horror movies, not like they used to be. Remember in the old days, you knew when the monster was Coming because the music kick in real loud. Nowadays you watch Friday the 13th, there's a couple in the
woods, 2:00 in the morning, all they hear is this. The guy's like hey honey, you got a cold or something? What? These boots are weird too because in the old days the ladies would always fall down and hurt their ankles. You know what I'm saying? They'd run from the monster and fall down. Oh help. My ankle. My ankle. Nowadays women jump tombstones like Flo, you better get ugly. Why's it coming up? And you can't get away from these boxes either. Now these we got What? Friday the 13th. We got about 600 different movies now. A movie every month. This is the Friday the 13th. I'd like to see Friday the 13th. Part 666. Jason's a border at Dorothea Puerto's rest home. She keeps burying him, but he keeps getting back up. Where's that old bag and that red raincoat? You know the old monsters you can get away from. Like the mummy or something. He was all slow. He come after he dragging his legs. Yeah, time to wake up the whole neighborhood. Hey George, come on down. The money's coming man. Now go ahead and eat. Patrick, clothes. We got time. We time to block or Dracula. You can fight Dracula. He brings crossover. He has some instant secret. But every time somebody had to fight Dragon, they have what? One little two inch cross. Then they lose the thing and have to fight with a hand to hand combat. Hey, if I didn't fight Dragon, I. Go to his castle with a full. Cross three piece leisure suit and Jesus, we go on singing spirituals and throwing miles out bibles out in a Pope mobile. Have the woman tabernacle choir behind some 80 grand and Shirley Caesar Alexander don't look like Frisbee. That's just assuming that Dracula is sensitive to Christianity. Alright, but what if you're from another religion? What's a Hindu guy gonna drag a sacred cow up to the castle? I put a big Mac in his face, sit back up, have a gun underneath. Unnecessary tea party. And if you're a Jehovah Witness, Drac don't even answer the door. Dracula's height. Get away from me now. I'm anorexic. Oh man, them Jehovah Witnesses will message you on Saturday morning when they come by my house. Six o'clock. Jehovah Witnesses. Where you up? Yeah, and fully loaded. I think. If you can't beat him, join him. I let him in the house now. I let him ride the house. Jehovah Witnesses. Oh, I was waiting for you guys. Come on in the living room. Yeah, come on in here and take. A look at these attaway products I got here, too. Hey, where you going? You have to watch Tower, man. And that's right. I don't know what's going. I think the country seems we're getting dumber and dumber, too, because every time we get a bill in the mail, what does it say? The return address, envelope in the right hand corner, place stamp here. When was the last time they picked up an envelope and said, where the hell do I put the snap pad out? I guess the phone was going to be late another month. No instructions on this envelop here. Watch MPLEV a lot. I got cable now. See my favorite stars. But some of these people are weird. Like Madonna, you know, she's got some Soul Flame tools. She's got, like an afro under each armpit. Like she got Buckwheat in the headlock. So here she goes, y'all let me know. She goes, ain't no bird in there. I hope you enjoyed that set from Jerome. Very funny. Feature comic out of the San Francisco Bay area. And right now, our closing act for this particular podcast is a very funny headliner. He was one of the family members of the Laughs Unlimited family in the sense that he was up many, many times. He's been out on my boat. He joined us for a trip to the state fair at Cal Expo. Was there at bowling night. Very funny and friendly headliner out of the Bay Area. Let's listen to some of his comedy. Ladies and gentlemen, Sam Gutman. Well, I could do a little song for you now. This is a song that I wrote. You might recognize the melody. Although it is my melody. Someone stole it years ago, and it's based on a show I did in East Oakland. I don't know if you're familiar with Oakland. It's a rough town. And my song that you will recognize the melody goes like this. Hey, hey, hey, it's mine. Hello darkness my old friend I've come to East Oakland again because a vision softly creeping Took my wallet while I was sleeping and the vision that was planted in my brain this is fucking insane. Within the sounds of sirens on the streets I walk alone Wondering if I'll make it home Thanks a lot. Hey, yeah. Thank you. Thank you. You think about all the styles of music there are, and, you know, other countries are always imitating each other. What's the sure fire? 100% American music that no one's been able to really Imitate. It is American. It started back in the 30s, 40s, 20s. It is the blues. Am I right? Let me hear it. It's the blues. It's the blues. See? That's right. You say it first. It's the blues. Now I just. I can imagine what would it be like if all of a sudden, like, India started singing the blues. I guess it goes something like Buddha, but a Buddha, baby. All the people wearing diapers, they're running around with no shoes. But I won't ever work in my elephant. He is starving, too. Tell me about Van Ramaras. Niche, baby. What should I do? Thank you. One more little number for you. Based on my childhood, isn't it true that everything we ate as a kid apparently is killing us today? That's what they told us. I mean, there was sugar. And this causes you problems. So I attribute this to my childhood. And it was a serious problem because I was raised on Cocoa Puffs. Sugar Frosted Flakes. Cause Tony said they're great. So I ate and I ate. Now I shake and I shake. Mama always said that Chef Boyardee was up. Personal friend of the family. So we ate and we ate. Now we shake and we shake. Hey, Mikey, you're only two. You. You eat anything that your two Wind Brothers want you to. You ate and you ate. Now you're shaking. You shake. Life Cereal. Laugh. Surreal laughs are real. Love through. Mikey, what happened to my son? That was Sam Gutman, one of our very popular headliners that worked the club from the late 80s all the way through the 90s. In fact, a quick side story, when we sold the club in 2001, Sam, being a good family friend, had come over to a pool party at my house. And this was just a couple weeks after we sold the club to a guy named Steve. Won't give him any more fame. And Sam was in the backyard with us, enjoying a beverage in the pool, in the barbecue. And we were sitting around talking. And all of a sudden, Sam started kind of badmouthing Steve, the new owner of the club, and saying that it was not the same, that it was being run poorly and was kind of loudly complaining. And just then my wife Jill pointed out that, you know, Steve lives next door. And Sam went, oh, shit. And ran out the door and left. He didn't want to be seen commiserating with us after the sale of the club because it might affect his future shows. So that was quite interesting. Anyway, we hope you enjoyed his set. He's a great guy, and we're very appreciative of all the comment he he did with us in his friendship over the years. Well, we hope you enjoyed this week's podcast. We're going to try to keep the comedy coming so please listen, share and if you get a chance, subscribe. Also, if you get a chance, check out my website standup your hostmc.com because we've got some great historical pictures under Comedy Treasures that I think you'll enjoy and we also have a few items for sale if you'd like to get a little piece of comedy history. Thanks again for listening to our podcast. Stay tuned because next Sunday there'll be another new one. Have a great day. Bye. We hope you enjoyed this episode of Standup Comedy. Your host and emcee. For information on the show, merchandise and our sponsors or to send comments to Scott, visit our website at www.standup your host and mc.com. look for more episodes soon and enjoy the world of Stand up comedy. 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