Standup Comedy "Your Host and MC"

"Best Of" Series- Mark Schiff Interview Show #243

Scott Edwards Season 6 Episode 243

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This "Best Of" Series shares some of the best podcast comedy sets and interviews, and this is one of those...from new York, Mark Schiff.

This shows features one of the funniest men in the universe, originally from New York...Mark Schiff, amazing Headliner and Standup Comic. He talks of his rise in comedy to touring with his Buddies Jerry Seinfeld and Larry Miller.
We also have a great live set of Marks comedy!

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This is another episode of stand up comedy, your host and emcee, celebrating 40 plus years on the fringe of show business, stories, interviews and comedy sets from the famous and not so famous. Here's your host and emcee Scott Edwards.

Scott Edwards: 0:22

Hey, welcome to this week's episode. I am so excited. I'm thrilled to be talking to an old friend and comedy one of the funniest men in the universe. It's Mark Schiff. Hey, hey, Mark, a long time no talk, man, it's so great to hear your voice. And I meant what I said, I know you're part of an official group, the funniest men in the universe, but it is true in your case.

Mark Schiff: 0:48

Well, thank you very much. It's a pleasure re hooking up with you. You know, he just reminded me of how little money I used to make and I really appreciate you bringing that up again. I'm just thinking about

Scott Edwards: 1:03

Ouch. Let me get that right back. Hey, so it is true, though. That didn't you and a few other guys formed the funniest men in the universe. And I know it includes Jerry Seinfeld and I know, Larry Miller, but I'm missing somebody, aren't I?

Mark Schiff: 1:18

Okay, so it's polarizer. Larry Miller, okay. Jerry Seinfeld, me. And Bill Maher was part of one. One year, there was a guy named Mark center was part for a couple of years. And Steve Mittleman was part of it one year, but the core group was Seinfeld chef riser, Larry Miller, and the guy named Michael Hampton Kane. Wow. And how it started was one year, we were all at the comic strip. We're all young comedians out of work, not making any money at all. We're hanging out at New Year's Eve at the club at the comic strip. We all decided

Scott Edwards: 1:57

and want to interrupt my say let people know that you guys were all in New York at the time.

Mark Schiff: 2:02

Right? Right. We're all in New York at the comic strip on 82nd. And second in New York, and hanging out New Year's Eve. And we'll decide let's have breakfast the next day. And you know, just have a New Year's breakfast and we went to this place we met for breakfast. We had such a good time. We decided let's do this every new year's day for the rest of our life. And GSR to say we're not doing it these days. But we did it 30 years. And eventually it became what I call the $2,500 breakfast because I was living in LA. And we always had it in New York. So I would have to fly in. Put myself up in a hotel for three days. Pay my airfare. It was like $2,500 for lunch for breakfast and lunch with with your buddies from the days. Right. But what happened was the person that made the most money for the are painful lunch. And the person who made the second amount pay for the limousine for the day. So it's the same in I never had to pay for lunch or limousine. Well, it's cool thing. One year, riser was in London, shooting a movie. And he was going to be there over New Years. So he couldn't come back to New York. So we decided we'll fly to London. And we'll have lunch, New Year's Day in London. No way. So we will put him on in the memorizer. And we've tried to rent a Rolls Royce. But it was like $3,000 per day read the Rolls Royce and we all decided rather than rent Rolls Royce, which required a parish and have lunch request from Notre DOM. So five of us get on the plane. And we fly to France. And we take the subway into town. And we have lunch, Chris from Notre DOM. And that was your New Year's Day,

Scott Edwards: 3:59

man. Oh, man now get it. That's an amazing commitment story. 5000. Yeah, these are expensive meals. But what's interesting is not only that camaraderie in that long, long, deep seated friendship, but aren't a lot of you working on New Year's Eve. So did that make that a little bit more difficult?

Mark Schiff: 4:21

Well, that's true, too. And one year, Jerry was working down in Fort Lauderdale at the sunrise theater. It's got 3000 seats. We'll put down and open from Oh, it's your right to win on Larry Miller went on. I went on. And he went on.

Scott Edwards: 4:41

That would have been killer show.

Mark Schiff: 4:44

Killer show. That lunch cost me 4000 was unbelievable. Wow. That was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

Scott Edwards: 4:53

And it's sad it ended but for 30 years, that's quite an amazing feat and you're on very successful, top of the line comics. And I just think it's Yeah,

Mark Schiff: 5:04

we all we all end up working and doing stuff and you know, interesting enough with with that there and then at the end of the day, after the lunch there, we would go for a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. We started out in record we would, we would take the remote of Brooklyn, from the limo driver, we go across the bridge, Meet us on the other side by City Hall. And the five of us or four of us would Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge every year, no matter how cold it was, even if it was a 15 below up there, we would do it. And we got the other side, we really felt we started the new year. That was very symbolic press.

Scott Edwards: 5:40

Oh, that is cool. And I bet it made you feel then we

Mark Schiff: 5:43

would go and have another lunch usually a kosher deli or Jewish deli somewhere.

Scott Edwards: 5:48

Wow, that was about friendship and chatting and talking.

Mark Schiff: 5:53

And when we first came to the club, we all had all these, you know, dating stories? And then as we got married to a number of stories?

Scott Edwards: 6:03

Well, yes. As it should be.

Mark Schiff: 6:05

thank you personally for some of those stories.

Scott Edwards: 6:09

Well, let's lose that as a lead in how did you ended up working for with me at laughs?

Mark Schiff: 6:16

You know, I don't I saw that. That was something you were interested in knowing. I can't put my finger on it. But when you have started what year 1980. Okay, shell in 1980, around 1981. I was part of the wave of these new comics coming out. We've been doing it a number of years, you know, through Korea, and we got pretty good. And we immediately went right to headliner. Because do we know middle x? And we know you know, your clubs be these clubs. We knew. We know real comedy clubs like this across the country. Yeah, mine was the so when you guys opened up when you opened your club, you should always put New York and he's dancing then they would send some of the top New York guys we never really headlined at these places. But we immediately went to that position, so we never had to do middle or opener.

Scott Edwards: 7:12

Well, and you guys had already in New York built up enough material and enough funniness that it worked. I absolutely. And I'm not sure who introduced you to the club either. But I was very blessed to work with Paul riser. Larry Miller many, many times and Jerry Seinfeld several times. And I am sure that one of those introduced you to me. And that's how we got to in but regardless, we always felt blessed to have you on our stage. And like the other guys from New York, you are definitely always one of the funniest. So thank you for being a part of that helped make Laughs a little better. You went up the ramp, right? Yes. Exactly. The ramp. Yeah, we're currently machined it with a Coke machine or something. Yes, we did. We tried to get a machine back there is a story about do you remember Jeannie McBride?

Mark Schiff: 8:05

Yes, I do. Because I worked with her for you one year. It was really interesting time. I, you know, I had a drinking thing going on. I was drinking too much. And I decided to quit. And I was booked to do your club for a week. Yeah. So I just quit drinking. And I haven't had a drink now. 35 years, by the way.

Scott Edwards: 8:32

And it all started with Laughs got it? Well, really,

Mark Schiff: 8:36

that was that was when I quit that week. So I met you at the airport in LA X. And she saw I was really jumpy and shaky and all that stuff. And she was mad. I said I can quit drinking him, you know. And luckily she knew about this stuff because her father had stopped and he had chapter 17 years at that point. So she helped me that week. Get through. It was a weekend. It was a long weekend. You did right. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Yes. Right. So she walked me through that week and I was kind of shaky, but for some reason. I still was able to really perform it there. Top speed I don't know how I did and it was funny because you had like to keep like the boxes of beer back there to like where we were

Scott Edwards: 9:23

where we would say yeah, we would sometimes store beer for the bar bad backs it yeah back.

Mark Schiff: 9:30

Yeah, I remember sitting there, I quit drinking there I am surrounded by cases of beer. It was unbelievable. Thank you for the help. So anyway, I want to thank you because that was the weekend that I put the plug in the jargon m&a for 35 years.

Scott Edwards: 9:47

Well, I know that laughs didn't have anything to do with it. But the fact that you were able to work the club and work with somebody good like genie and get you through it obviously made a difference or you wouldn't have remembered it and I didn't know the story. I probably just thought, oh, great, here's Mark, and he's all jittery. But yeah, making reference to how you said you still had great sets, I'm going to sidetrack a little. And say one of the interesting things about stand up comedy that I wanted to share with the audience is that we get sick. We we have sometimes issues with drugs or alcohol or whatever might be going on whether you're an entertainer or me, a club owner, that would go on stage as the emcee. And what I found is almost always there's a few exceptions. But something about the magic and the energy and the adrenaline, of being on stage in front of a fresh new crowd, energizes you and allows you to perform in almost Excel, even though your body is crashing.

Mark Schiff: 10:46

Yep, I totally agree with the area. You know, there were some days on the road, where I couldn't even talk in the morning and I sit in his hotel rooms and get some honey and some tea and just stick my head over, you know, hot showers and just get my throat back enough to get through the show and do a good job and then boom, back again. And then you just get through it.

Scott Edwards: 11:09

Yeah, well, it was our job. But it was a job that really meant something to us. Yeah. And I don't know, I don't want to speak for you. But I think a lot of entertainers and me as an emcee club owner, I felt a commitment to the audience that had paid to see what we were presenting. And I took that commitment seriously, that responsibility.

Unknown: 11:32

And I did. And that's why I said Jerry and I, we talk sometimes that's why we're still working. Because we didn't never, we never abused the audience and treated them like they were less than

Scott Edwards: 11:45

right and and I have a few examples that I've shared other stories that people that did abuse that trust and responsibility, but obviously people the quality and nature of you and Jerry and Larry, even Paul Riser would would not do that. Now you've done a lot of road work, starting in New York and now out of Los Angeles. Do you have any great stories from the road or anything that makes you laugh still or haunt you to this day?

Mark Schiff: 12:14

written stories? You know, I wrote the book on road stories.

Scott Edwards: 12:17


Unknown: 12:17

"I killed" with Rich Shidner. It's the quintessential road stories book. It's not Random House published it. It's called I killed two stories of the road by America's great comics.

Scott Edwards: 12:31

I'm gonna have to pick that up. I would love that. You have any short ones? You remember Amazon?

Mark Schiff: 12:37

It's called "I killed" by Mark Schiff, which I know and you'll get it. The only thing I do remember it's not a great story. But you had you had a condo you didn't have a hotel for us? Yeah. To like our house. Yes. Right. Yeah. House in a car for some reason. Tell me if I'm right about this. You had plastic sheets under the sheet?

Scott Edwards: 13:01

Well, yes, but that was due to remember that. Yes.

Unknown: 13:06

I never saw that in my entire life. Except in your place. It was the thing with crinkle all night. It was like this is it was like having sleeping on a raincoat.

Scott Edwards: 13:19

Well, I apologize. But that was for some of the other less tried and trued entertainers that weren't we're still drinking if you know what I mean. I knew bedwetting and stuff like bedwetting throw up our maids had a lot to deal with.

Mark Schiff: 13:35

I always wondered about that. I you know. What do you know, is everybody being better to me? And yeah,

Scott Edwards: 13:45

well, a lot of clubs provide hotel rooms, or maybe an apartment or something. But we always had a paid Condor house. And what that means is that we were responsible for cleaning it up every week and keeping the various furniture livable. And it was not always easy.

Mark Schiff: 14:04

Yeah, no, no, I believe well, you know, in order to do the comic strip had a condo they had a cleaning lady there that used to like do cocaine and have sex with all the comics. And the comic sometimes you get so drunk or angry about their said this was never my issue, but they would do things to the condos. Like it's one TV set, there was a big chunk of glass missing out of the screen and get thrown around like a brick and the TV still work, but there's a big piece of glass. And then one guy they had a pool, and one guy crapped in the pool because he was so angry, and nobody could sue me for four months. But the story about me that people people or people hated me, because what happened was, you know, these condoms used to have phones in them. And sometimes the comics would take advantage sometimes have long distance calls or whatever. So I used to be one of those people. And I remember I had some friends in Germany. I called Germany during the week that I was there maybe about 4050 times. The guy got the bill was like $500. And he ripped the phone out of the condo show. When the comments would come in, they go with the phone, he would go Mark shift blaming on him. So popular, very popular. Other people that they knew I was coming in, they would take the phone out of the

Scott Edwards: 15:40

Oh, you had a reputation?

Mark Schiff: 15:43

Yeah. So all these comics out there they go. You know, some of the cushy you. I couldn't call my family for an entire week. Before cellphones, so I was right. really hated for a long time there.

Scott Edwards: 15:59

Oh, that's funny. Well, I was not aware of that. And I don't remember any exceptional bills. I mean, we certainly got him but I would not have been able to pinpoint which comics were involved. But if you did it at my condo, you're forgiven. Your comedy on stage is worth whatever happened

Mark Schiff: 16:17

to you very kind. But yeah, the road was always meant to be broken on the road. Okay, what I did, okay,

Scott Edwards: 16:24

let's, let's give everybody a little background. Jimmy Brogan is a great stand up comic, but he was also one of the head writers for Leno. Jayla, yeah, and the tonight show so I just wanted

Mark Schiff: 16:36

to let me just past working 20 years with Jay every Sunday night at the comedy magic club. Wow. Most of Beach, California. They work together practically every Sunday night that Jay was in town for 28 years. I saw Jimmy and I used to. I used to pull pranks on Jimmy. And one of the like, favorite ones was to be used to like to sleep late. So he would go to sleep late and he would sleep to 12 one in the afternoon. So he put the Do Not Disturb on his hotel door. So I would remove the shine. And then I would put a shine on his door it says I am deaf. Please knock as hard as you can. Yeah. We just pound on the door. Boom, boom, boom.

Scott Edwards: 17:25

Love that.

Mark Schiff: 17:27

And he would come up. And she you know por lo Spanish later. And then she would point to the sign there. i Oh, no. You said the sign in depth. And

Scott Edwards: 17:40

I didn't know you're such a rambunctious guy. I mean, you're hilarious onstage but you're a bit of a prankster off I was not aware of that.

Mark Schiff: 17:48

Yeah, we did a couple of those. I put us on a Jimmy Dore said also that if you have cleaning you want done today. We've been in front of room. This room here. People we travel up there suits and shirts. Store dry cleaning. That's hilarious. So you come out to be a whole bottle of dry cleaning ready to go in there?

Scott Edwards: 18:09

Well, that's that's a great story. And Jamie Brogan is a good comic. Now. You also in fact, to this day, still do a lot of work with Jerry. Any interesting funny stories with him the rest 15 years. I think that's incredible. And the two of you together would be a dynamite show and I never could afford that in my club. Because to me you were both headliners. But I imagined on the tour. You're doing very well together.

Mark Schiff: 18:33

Just two weeks ago, we were in brewery Dale at the Seminole Indian Hard Rock Casino is 13,000 people to show 6500 people each show. Wow. Three people came to see me 6400 997 HCM each year. It was an amazing yeah, that's what the gigs are they usually two 3000 seats. And we go all over the world. We went to Israel twice together.

Scott Edwards: 19:01

Man, that's amazing. Well, I know that your friendship goes way way back and the fact that you're both tremendous clean. And funny. Stand up. We're good together. We still do. And it's a no bones. thing with Jerry when I you know very scary thing for comic. We were in Davenport, Iowa. Who in Davenport, Iowa. No nowhere. So we have lunch. And then we go back to room clean up. I go to my room. He goes his room. I go to his room to pick him up to go to the show with me to his room. And he's got his head down on the table. He's sweating. He's shaking. And I go it's my go there food poisoning. He is a producer on the show too. So we're standing areas away, you know, he can't even stand up. So he goes, they go what do you want to do? Because I want to do the show guy did a show and we take him down The car in his legs collapsed as we're walking down. Can't even walk he's so sick. So we get to the theater we get to the dressing room. And they say to me, Jerry and the producers say Okay, you go out there and just stay out there until he's ready. Now, you got to remember this 3000 people and he told me to just I don't know if it's going to be 20 minutes 40 minutes an hour and 20 minutes I have no idea. But that is a frightening thing for somebody to tell a comic. That puts a lot of pressure on you for sure. Yeah, just just go out there and stay out there. Oh, I was just really after about 40 minutes I got to sign he went on he actually did one of the best shows I've ever seen. I was just gonna say goes back to what we talked about earlier is that I'm sure that for his set, he was able to bounce back and nobody in the audience knew he was dying of food poisoning.

Mark Schiff: 20:54

You had no idea and it was really quite remarkable potential another great evening that we had there.

Scott Edwards: 21:01

Well that shows the quality of your comedy entertainment so I want to share a little bit of that with you if it's okay mark. Ladies and gentlemen. sit back relax. I got a great short comedy set from Mark shift. Enjoy this

Mark Schiff: 21:15

thank you nice to be here. Hello. How are you? Alright, good to be here. It's actually been a good day to some shopping today with my favorite show into the 99 cent store. I love this place more than anything in the world. Let me tell you something you know you're not doing well in life if you return things to the 99 cent store you have the courage the audacity to drive back with the canopies wasn't filled enough for something and 99 cents back you know what I walk in the nine nets so I feel good about myself? I really do I walk around I'm looking I think I can buy anything I want here man I'm doing good in life. I can buy this whole row for $9 phenomenal and they always have stuff that sound like the original items I like don't mighty peaches I look at this Ken says Don't monkey peaches I bought some shaving cream 99 cents a pretty good deal right I get home I shake the can I gots No shaving cream comes out just the sound and I'm actually thinking like an idiot that's not a bad deal for 99 cents love this little things you don't then a men's underwear 40 pair 99 cents I'm looking at some country that doesn't even exist is making this stuff and I'm thinking don't buy this somehow they've got to be ripping you off. So I bought it I can't have I put a pair on the fly is on the side one hole for both legs I'm walking around credible I went to Costco recently there's another fantastic place I go there I think our average gonna spend like 80 $90 $1,100 later you should know because the shopping cart is families that live in these carts is so gigantic, like nine people sleeping in it but you know certain times you like you need 200 years worth of mustard at the same time that's it I'm buying for life now that's it I'm never going out again 40 years of catch up come on just pilot in there and they have these things that they sell everything they sell surfboards there they sell coffins Is this some sort of impulse buy? Sitting my wife finding once you get a blend I'm gonna get a couple of coffins for us. You know looking great these days and you know cheaper here you know I Costco you can return anything that you're returning a coffin. I wouldn't open that if I were you. My uncle is in there but it seems like it's give it back to you. Keep it close for a while. Crazy. I think I got three boys. Three kids. I got three boys a 25 year old a 22 year old and a 19 year old and they all live with us. Because that's the type of parenting we've done. These idiots aren't going anywhere I tell you this awful awful you know what we have essentially we don't have three children living with us we have three very poor people read it before people tell us that they're going to get a job to sit around and go free me grapes said and they're not nice people you know most poor people you know you give them money they say thank you God bless you know these three give 20 Come on give me the whole wallet and their food terrorists when I buy something I like to eat I have to eat the whole thing in one sitting the other day I already ate an entire chocolate chip cheesecake in the car because I know I just be attacked the second I walk in the house so actually my oldest son is getting married she's not working either. This is a great deal I know what the hell's gonna happen with these two? Yeah, you know people say you know you talk to people have children or they call you know they're my kids childhood just went like this and went by mine every day and ordeal it's good deal. I'm married for 26 years and one final like 10 minutes on the water. It was really nice looking your spouse to think I'm gonna kill him. Right now just kidding. I can't I can't have breakfast with this person. And a file my wife a couple of months ago. I don't know why. Why did you say she was walking away? I mumbled the word psycho. Psycho cycle. She's not but when you call somebody a cycle, they actually turned into one. She just turned the rally. Cycle I'll show you so. You learned a lot about yourself when you're married live with someone I didn't know that I snored. Do you know there's a law that if you snore they have to wake you and tell you I don't need this information. I'm out cold rolling around having a fantastic time. She's like honey get up your snoring and when you wake up somebody tell them they're snoring they're shocked I didn't hear anything How can a person actually sleep through themselves? Sorry. How can you sleep through a call it's in the middle of your head when you wake up last night how I can tell you when you're drooling, right you know being married it's like living on the floor of the Senate. Every day a new speech and new laws being passed my wife walks around like some English barrister from now on. Things will be different in this family. If your socks on the floor, there'd be no dinner for the rest of your life. I didn't know that so many problems until I got married. But thank God, she's there to point those things out. I thought I was doing well. I was hanging by a fingernail I got a neighbor the guy's been married 61 years 60 I said to the guy Arwen What's the secret 61 years he said just keep your mouth shut your mouth you're going to start a fight. Just come home from work Wait man hey I'm sitting on the couch put the TV on one day you'll fall over dead it'll be all the time. Just relax to keep your mouth shut. Don't start any fight but I do enjoy it. I do enjoy To be married, the dating thing for me was you know I was finished I couldn't talk to another human being I was just you know, you break up with somebody you know somebody says something like this the last thing I want to do is hurt you. Which means it's on the list it's the last thing I want to do. I got some other things to do first to figure this one out my parents are married a long time they've been married so long my mother's actually sucked the brain out of my father said poor guy. Just mopes around on just do what she says. God and heaven I gotta lay down from when I was a kid, you know growing up you could really threatening kids. You know, my mother would threaten me the threats were enormous. You got kids, you know, you cannot threaten them anymore. They will get a lawyer to sue you. When I was a kid, my mother would say things like I had touched that door. I will break your hands off. Open your mouth again. I'll rip the tongue right out he had getting it right now break every bone in your body. To come in there. I will kill you. That was love. When I was growing up. My mother threatened to strangle me I knew how much she cared. She the problem was my mother's very confused woman unbelievably confused. She didn't think that I had any idea who she was. Because she looked at me and go, Who do you think you're talking to? Buddha held you give any idea of who I am? I don't think you do. And she didn't think I knew who I was. But she looked at me go Who do you think? My child? I know you guys are great. Thank you very much.

Scott Edwards: 32:07

Mark, as usual, a stand up funny guy. Thanks so much for sharing that with us.

Mark Schiff: 32:14

Thank you, Scott. Fantastic talking with you. You know, you're not only responsible for many of my wonderful evenings having that club, but you're responsible for my horrible early mornings. Yeah, she had us to radio shows and comedians, hate doing radio shows more than having polio. This is

Scott Edwards: 32:37

It's true. It's both to market the club. We get these comics that would work until late in the evening. And then we'd have to be on the TV set or the radio set. Sometimes at six 7am.

Mark Schiff: 32:48

Yeah, I mean, you don't use our pickup at 530. Go do your radio show. Yeah, I'll take you out for 70 nights and breakfast. Thank you very much for that. Very kind.

Scott Edwards: 33:00

I was always, you know,

Mark Schiff: 33:01

when you're really young, you can actually have breakfast, have like breakfast, three cups of coffee and then go right back to sleep. It's quite an extraordinary thing to be able to do.

Scott Edwards: 33:10

Yeah, I've never been a coffee drinker, but I am an iced tea Holic. And my wife is always amazed that I'll drink iced tea day and night. And it never affects me going to sleep. It's crazy. Yeah.

Mark Schiff: 33:19

Yeah, it is amazing. I'm not like that. But we used to do those radio shows. And they're one of the things I used to write about your club where it was, it was an old check. That's right. And I usually like walking on those wooden Clank, you know, like historic wooden sidewalks, right? They start when sidewalks is really, really cool. There's something about it. And you're the wrong walkway down to the club from the street.

Scott Edwards: 33:47

Exactly. That's when we're in firehouse alley. And yeah, that location, which was our best and longest lasting location, at a three actually an old sack was my favorite room and I got to develop it. What was nice about it, and I've mentioned this before, is it had a low ceiling, we were in a basement, it had the ubiquitous brick wall in it just had that kind of nightclub jazz club feel to it. And I think that was perfect for standup. It was

Mark Schiff: 34:15

perfect. You had some really great crowds, and even on sometimes when they wasn't filled and stuff, they were great. laughters I mean, I really, I don't remember people laughing at a lot of the clubs from time to your club in particular. There was some really great ones.

Scott Edwards: 34:29

Well, that's good. I appreciate you saying that. We worked hard for that. Now, it's been a while since we've had a chance to work together over 20 years. And you've been busy touring with Jerry and you mentioned your book. I killed with you and rich shiner and you can get that on Amazon everybody go out and buy this book. I'm gonna do that because "I killed" true stories of the road by America's comics. Okay, well, that was too long for me to remember but I will I killed true stories. And Mark ship and Richard Yeah, got it. Okay, everybody makes You know a lot of people in the book. Oh, yeah, no, I think it'd be perfect for me. I hope the audience agrees and gets a chance to buy it. But I'm definitely going to it's I love books like that I've read most of the books out there by comics that I worked with. And it's always great to reminisce about and hear their stories from other clubs, but also sometimes experience isn't my caliber in there. What else have you been working on or anything that's exciting coming up for you,

Mark Schiff: 35:24

I write a lot. I write. I've been writing a lot of articles. I write 40 articles for paper here called the Jewish Journal in LA. Like a million people that subscribe to it. And I write a lot of articles to them. I'm writing short story book. And I wrote two plays. No way I got done. Yeah. One was called the comic it started Larry Miller, two person play. And he was Unbeliev. Went to Aspen actually to the comedy festival HBO Comedy Festival, where you picked a great guy, one of the best guys out there. And if you give him the right material, there's no holding. He was unbelievable. Yeah. And then I wrote another play with a guy named Steve Shaffer, you remember Steve Shaffer.

Scott Edwards: 36:06

I remember the name. He didn't work for me. I knew what he was doing in business. But you pick the apple. Good guys.

Unknown: 36:13

So yeah, so we wrote a couple of plays and a lot of stories. And that's what keeps you busy. I got a wife of 30 years and three kids that are out of the house. Oh, send as an agent at CAA. No way. And I knew, I know that he's a great he because he won't even return my calls anymore.

Scott Edwards: 36:34

Just really, that's fine. That's interesting that he's good. Went into the business. But on that side of the fence.

Unknown: 36:42

Yeah, I had no performance. I have three kids in two in the business in production and one in finance.

Scott Edwards: 36:49

Wow. Well, congratulations. You are certainly one of the funniest men in the universe, you've had a great wealth of success in your life in comedy. I know that you're one of the not only funniest performers out there, but you're also a great writer. And I didn't know about the plays in the book, but we're gonna take advantage of that. And I thank you so much for joining me today on the podcast.

Unknown: 37:13

Thank you, Scott, my pleasure, pleasure catching up to do a lot of good memories from working your club. I really appreciate every time you hired me.

Scott Edwards: 37:22

Well, you're welcome. And it was a pleasure for us to ladies and gentlemen, make sure to check out Mark's book. And also, we hope you enjoyed the set and the information today. We have another podcast coming out next Sunday. In the meantime, be sure to listen, rate and share. Thanks so much for joining us for this week's show. Thank you, Mark.

Mark Schiff: 37:42

Thank you. Alright, everybody,

Scott Edwards: 37:44

have a great one. Bye.

Mark Schiff: 37:46


Announcer: 37:49

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Stand Up Comedy you're hosting them see. For information on the show merchandise and our sponsors, or to send comments to Scott, visit our website at WWW dot stand up your host and Look for more episodes soon and enjoy the world of stand up comedy. Visit a comedy show room near you

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